Bishop Craig L CobbBishop Craig Cobb received Jesus Christ as his Savior in 1977. He has been faithfully preaching the gospel and training leaders for over 26 years in ministry. He is a dynamic author, teacher and businessman who has a profound passion to see others fufill their Divine assignment. He has traveled extensively throughout the country empowering others via relevant workshops and crusades resulting in an impact of the spiritual landscape of individuals as well as cities. He excitedly pastors the "City of Faith" church in West Palm Beach, FL. Bishop Cobb has authored manuals/workbooks on Intercessory Prayer, Spiritual Warfare, Evangelism, Understand the Apostolic, Connecting to the Vision of your Leader. He has written other books entitled "Born in Royalty," "Prayer Force," "Fishing for Souls." When asked, "What do you do for a living?" He replies, "I CHASE GOD FOR A LIVING." Read More Read Less
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