Bija Bennett

Bija BennettBija Bennett is poet, performer, philosopher, and athlete of the inner self-- and outstanding communicator who is able to convey the tenets of mind-body health in remarkably accessible and engaging and ways. An internationally renowned yoga therapistwith a Master's Degree in Dance from UCLA, Bija is the author of Emotional Yoga (Simon & Schuster) and Breathing into Life (HarperCollins). A visionary leader for the post-modern spiritual set, Bija created YogaAway, LLC, an international wellness brand for the hospitality and spa industries, and has worked closely with Deepak Chopra, MD at his Ayurvedic health center and co-leading his seminars around the world. She is currently at work on The Dad Project, an art and film project featuring consecrated conversations between fathers and daughters. Read More Read Less

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Emotional Yoga32 % NR
Publisher: Atria Books
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10 Sep 2002
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