Bevis LongstrethBEVIS LONGSTRETH is the author of four historical novels: Spindle and Bow, Return of the Shade, Boats Against the Current, and Chains Across the River, and one contemporary novel, Out of the Whirlwind. He is a retired partner of the international lawfirm, Debevoise & Plimpton, where he practiced for his entire legal career, except for Government service in Washington as a Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission from 1981-84. He authored Modern Portfolio Management and the Prudent Man Rule (Oxford University Press 1987), a book arguing for interpretative change in the legal standard of care exercisable by fiduciaries responsible for other people's money to reflect current developments in finance economics. He lives in Manhattan, New York with his wife, Clara, and their dog, McKenzie. They have three children and nine grandchildren. See for further information about the author and his writings. Read More Read Less
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