Beverley JohnsBeverley Holden Johns has 35 years of experience working with students with learning disabilities and emotional/behavioral disorders within the public schools of Illinois. She is now a learning and behavior consultant and an adjunct instructor for MaMurray College. She is the 2000 recipient of the CEC Outstanding Leadership Award from the International Council for Exceptional Children, past international president of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders, and the 2007 Recipient of the Romaine P. Mackie Leadership Service Award. She served as president of the International Association of Special Education from 2006 to 2010. She presented the first Marden lecture at the University of Hong Kong. Johns is the lead author of ten books (and co-author of four others) and is listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who of American Women, Who's Who in American Education, and Who's Who Among America's Teachers. She has chaired ISELA, the Illinois Special Education Coalition (whose membership includes 13 statewide organizations) for 30 years. She is a past president of the Learning Disabilities Association of Illinois, and was the national state president's representative serving on the Board of LDA of America. She has presented workshops across the United States and Canada; in San Juan, Puerto Rico; Sydney, Australia (keynote); Warsaw, Poland; Hong Kong, China; Lima, Peru; and Riga, Latvia. Read More Read Less
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