Beverley Courtney

Beverley CourtneyBeverley Courtney has lived with dogs all her life. She qualified her first dog, a Battersea Dogs' Home rescue, as a Working Trials Champion - and has enjoyed herself hugely for many years helping new owners with their dogs and puppies. Using the latst scientific breakthroughs in dog behaviour, she is dedicated to improving communication between owner and dog. Once you ditch the idea that it's a one-way process ("I said SIT!") and start understanding how your dog learns, training becomes a breeze. Her fresh approach has helped hundreds of families to discover the joy of choice-based training. Her first four books address the four Essential Skills for a Brilliant Family Dog, and the first book in this series features one of her students' favourite skills - getting their frantic puppy to relax! Beverley's latest three books address the tricky problem many dog-owners experience - of having a dog who barks and reacts to other dogs. Or people. Or bikes ... Drawing on her own experience with her "Growly Dog" Lacy, together with extensive study, she brings the gentle and humorous approach that her readers love! There is no blame or shame here - just empathy, understanding, and masses of how-to's to get you enjoying calm walks with your dog again. Beverley's first four books address the problem so many new dog-owners experience - of wanting to love their new puppy at the same time as preventing mayhem in the home! She draws on her experience with her own pups, as well as the thousands who have learnt with her at *Good for Dogs*, together with extensive and continuing study. And this means she can bring the gentle and humorous approach to training that her readers love! There is no blame or shame here - just empathy, understanding, and masses of how-to's to get you enjoying your new dog. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Beverley Courtney
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