Bethany St Clair

Bethany St ClairBethany St. Clair was born in Flint, Michigan. Her father was the son of Hungarian and Russian immigrants and her mother is the daughter of Polish and Austrian descendants. She graduated from the University of Michigan with a Bachelor's degree in Eduation. During her time at Michigan she was a member of the Women's Volleyball team and was one of the first women to receive an athletic scholarship as a result of the Title IX ruling. After school she migrated to the West Coast and now resides in Northern California. Her first book, Organizing with Feng Shui: 101 Tips Room by Room won the Silver Medal eLit Digital Book Award. My love of Feng Shui began as early as I can remember. Each Saturday my mother would get her hair done and then go grocery shopping. While she was out I would direct my three younger siblings to assist me as I moved the furniture around. The energy always felt so much better after I did this. When my mother came home, it must have been the twinkle in her eye and the approval in her smile that reinforced these actions--much to the chagrin of my siblings. Read More Read Less

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Organizing with Feng Shui
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