Beth HudsonInspired by authors such as J.R.R. Tolkien, Lloyd Alexander, and Madeleine L'Engle, Beth determined to become a writer when she was still in grade school. That path meandered through an attempt at astronomy, a linguistics degree, and a brief flirtatin with anthropology, but during it all, she worked on her writing, producing numerous short stories, and even completing two (unpublished) novels while in high school and college. Since deciding to focus on her writing, she has published a number of fantasy short stories (and a lone science fiction piece) in various magazines and anthologies. The Herd Lord, a novella about a war among centaurs, was published in 2011, and her first full-length novel, Etched in Fire was released in 2015. Beth's ideas are sparked by music - Celtic folk, classical, and classic rock - and she sings, plays guitar and harp, and writes songs as well as dabbling in jewelry-making and other assorted crafts. But it is her sons, Dylan, David, and Alex, who keep her striving for excellence, so that she can make them proud of her. Seeing Green is her first short story anthology. Read More Read Less