Bernard A Pendry

Bernard A PendryBernard A. Pendry is 85 years young. This is his first novel, aided by his 3rd wife, Sue, 25 years junior to him and eldest son, Mark. Life is good.
Where he got the idea for this novel is a mystery, certainly nothing in his life resembled anythin like the goings on in this novel.
He qualified as a Chartered accountant in 1959, second most boring job to an actuary, the highlight was acting for Joe Cocker and going on a tour of the United States with him in 1972. He managed to retire at age 54. In the ensuing 29 years he has done little except amicably divorce his first wife, Sheila, married his second wife, Pam, who he lost to the dreaded C in 2013, got back together with is third wife, Sue, after a parting of 33 years and had lots of fun with his three children and grandchildren.
After giving up, or rather they gave him up, squash, skiing, tennis, he lingers on with golf and snooker at The Royal Automobile Club, plus croquet and electric cycling with Sue.
He has this knack of knowing he is always right, like Clough he may listen to others point of view then tell them they are wrong. He is famed in the family for changing rules if he thinks he can improve them, or if he is not winning!
Apart from publishing a book about his friendship with Joe Cocker, this his first attempt at a novel.
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