Benjamin Simms Herring

Benjamin Simms HerringBenjamin Simms Herring, Jr., resides in North Carolina. He enjoys hiking, writing, meeting new friends, going on adventures, and helping people with substance abuse disorders. Ben is a harm reduction advocate who supports medication-assisted treatmen for opioid addiction. He studied chemistry and business at Cape Fear Community College. Then, he spent time as an inmate in the North Carolina Prison System, where he wrote part of his contribution to Letters Behind Bars: A Mother-Son Memoir. Ben desires to make something good out of the challenges he has faced by sharing his experiences related to opioid addiction, recovery, medication-assisted treatment, and incarceration. He is an avid autodidact and enjoys learning from a wide array of genres and life experiences. Read More Read Less

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Letters Behind Bars28 % NR
Publisher: Cinnamin Herring
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01 Nov 2021
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