Benjamin Dadebo

Benjamin DadeboRev Dr Benjamin Dadebo is a Lay Minister in charge of Mustard Seed Chapel International, Belfast. He owes a lot of gratitude to the opportunity provided by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, founder of the United Denominations originating from the Lighthouse Goup of churches. By inspiration from Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Rev Dr Benjamin Dadebo responded to the call of God upon his life. Though a trained medical practitioner, Dr Ben's passion is to fulfil his purpose in life, and hence to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, and has planted a church in Rochdale (England). Again, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, he moved to Northern Ireland and planted another church in Belfast and then recently started a new church in Portadown.Currently Dr Benjamin Dadebo works as a Locum Specialist Registrar in Obstetrics & Gynaecology at the Ulster Hospital, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, Belfast. Dr Ben also holds a Masters degree in Sports Medicine (Nottingham University), and also a PhD in Exercise Physiology (Manchester Metropolitan University) in a field that combines Gynaecology and Exercise Physiology (Vascular Aspects of Oestrogen: The Interaction of oestrogen status and exercise haemodynamics). Dr Ben has by the grace and mercies of God acquired an in-depth knowledge about oestrogen, its ubiquitous nature and a deep understanding on Human Physiology and health based on God's wisdom in relation to how the human body functions, as depicted in the scriptures. By the grace of God, revelatory knowledge received through the study of the Bible with medical science application explains the emergence of this book as a supplement to the previously written ones. Life is full of mysteries and we often wonder why we are here. The God of creation made all things including us human beings who He intentionally selected, individually, with a purpose-driven plan for our lives. God determines when to be born, the places of our habitation, people we have to meet and even the date of our death. Since God planned our life before the foundation of the world, it is impossible to direct our own life without following His counsel. Any attempt to direct one's own lives leads to unnecessary stress and depression. By being sensitive to the divine guidance through the various means God directs us, we can become successful in this life. God planned our lives to be successful and this is only achievable if we can humble ourselves so we can be led, taught and directed. Stay blessed and enjoy this book. Read More Read Less

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