Ben BenjaminDr. Ben Benjamin is a communications consultant, business coach, and writer. He holds a doctorate in education and is an accomplished teacher trainer; he has trained instructors who have offered his courses throughout the United States and in urope. Dr. Benjamin is author of hundreds of articles, as well as several books. Amy Yeager is a certified Senior SAVI Trainer. She has designed and led SAVI trainings for multinational corporations, schools, healthcare organizations, and other nonprofit institutions. In addition to her in-person training, she conducts Web-based phone seminars for ongoing skill development. She is a certified practitioner of the Alexander Technique and Self Regulation Therapy. Anita Simon is co-developer with Yvonne Agazarian of SAVI(R), the System for Analyzing Verbal Interaction. Dr. Simon teaches SAVI(R) regularly at a variety of professional conferences and at smaller meetings in the fields of psychotherapy, human resources, and education. Read More Read Less
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