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Bec Abbott Wenz

Bec Abbott Wenz

Hailing originally from a small town in the netherlands, Rebecca Wenz, after many years of work and travel has settled down in a small town of Australia. A love of reading had never manifested itself into writing until the tragic passing of her lie long love and Husband. "It broke me, for many years. I was a widow at 40."
To deal with the tragedy she started writing, at first personal, then whimsical and finally fantastical and in the process began to heal. But also to understand herself at a deeper level. "I wrote from pain and sorrow, and then, a bit of anger. Now I write from hope and only then did i believe that I could write for the public, with an eye to the beautiful places. Even if they have to start with pain."
Rebecca plans to eventually convert several of her earlier works into more robust stories and shape them with her current mind frame. Bringing the remnants of that Rebecca into the peace and understanding of the new.

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21 Aug 2024
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