Basil Robert Oickle

Basil Robert OickleWhen Basil Oickle first opened Trot In Time Buggy Rides in 1996, there were no plans of writing children's books. But since then, he's been wanting to write for nearly two decades. He fondly recalls telling Christmas stories, Easter Bunny stories, an other fun tales to children just so he could watch them smile. He credits inspiration for his own storytelling to his neighbour, the late Artemas Langille, who told him ghost stories when he was just a young boy.Once Basil started writing children's books about his horse, he struggled with how to write about himself in them. But after two years it came to him: he was making a mistake writing from his own perspective. Instead, the stories' centres should be the beloved horse Cindy, who warmed the hearts of many, the great French Canadian Percheron who started it all. After discovering he could tell the stories through Cindy's eyes, well, the words just flowed.Basil's dream is to have a series of children's books about the famous horse Cindy and all her exciting adventures. Whenever he is asked how he could accomplish such a task, he just smiles and says, It's easy! All I need to do is tell the truth. Read More Read Less

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Cindy Is My Name, First Horse Ever1 % NR
Publisher: Tellwell Talent
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31 Jan 2022
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Cindy Is My Name, First Horse Ever1 % NR
Publisher: Tellwell Talent
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31 Jan 2022
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