Basavaprabhu L PatilDr. Basavaprabhu L. Patil obtained his PhD from the Department of Plant Molecular Biology, University of Delhi (South Campus), New Delhi, India. During his PhD, he worked in a European Union-funded program on geminiviruses, in collaboration with the ohn Innes Centre, Norwich, United Kingdom. During his PhD, he also worked as a DAAD Scholar at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. He did his postdoctoral research at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, United States (2006-10) and contributed to the characterization of cassava viruses from Africa and the development of virus-resistant transgenic cassava. Later (2011-12), he moved to the University of Basel, Switzerland, to work on characterization of cassava viruses from India in an Indo-Swiss program. Since 2018, he has been working as a Principal Scientist at ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru, India. He has published extensively in reputed journals, and has several book chapters & books to his credit. He has also trained several research scholars from Africa, the Americas, and India in the area of molecular plant virology and RNA-interference technology. He has received several fellowships and grants during his research career and was honored with the IVS Fellow Award by the Indian Virological Society in 2014 in recognition of his contribution to the field of plant virology. He received the European Union's Erasmus Mundus scholarship in 2016. In 2022, he received the prestigious Fulbright-Nehru Academic & Professional Excellence Fellowship to visit University of California, Davis (USA). Recently, he was conferred with Prof. B.M. Johri memorial Award, by the Society for Plant Research (India). He has served as an external expert to assess the scientists from CSIR (Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, India) & ICAR (India). He is also a recognized editor for International Journals, and reviewer for Indian/International Grant Applications. Read More Read Less