Bartholomew Shower

Bartholomew Shower

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Shower's Cases in Parliment Resolved and Adjudged Upon Petitions and Writs of ErrorNR
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The Compleat English Copyholder, or a Guide to Lords of Manors, Justices of the Peace, Tenants, Attornies, Bailiffs, Constables, Gamekeepers, Haywards, Reeves, Surveyors of the Highways, &c, Vol. 2: Being the Common and Statue Law of England, TogetNR
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The Compleat English Copyholder, or a Guide to Lords of Manors, Justices of the Peace, Tenants, Attornies, Bailiffs, Constables, Gamekeepers, Haywards, Reeves, Surveyors of the Highways, &c, Vol. 2: Being the Common and Statue Law of England, TogetNR
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Shower's Cases in Parliament Resolved and Adjudged Upon Petitions and Writs of Error (Classic Reprint)NR
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Shower's Cases in Parliament Resolved and Adjudged Upon Petitions and Writs of Error (Classic Reprint)NR
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Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, During the Reigns of Charles the Second, James the Second, and William the Third, Vol. 1 of 2: Containing, Cases Adjudged in the Court of Kings Bench, in the Reign of William the Third, with SNR
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Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, During the Reigns of Charles the Second, James the Second, and William the Third, Vol. 1 of 2: Containing, Cases Adjudged in the Court of Kings Bench, in the Reign of William the Third, with SNR
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Cases in Parliament Resolved and Adjudged, Upon Petitions, and Writs of Error. by Sir Bartholomew Shower, Kt. the Third Edition, Newly Revised and Carefully Corrected, ..NR
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