Bartholomew MacCarthy

Bartholomew MacCarthy

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The Codex Palatino-vaticanus, No. 830. (texts, Translations And Indices.)8 % NR
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The Codex Palatino-vaticanus, No. 830. (texts, Translations And Indices.)12 % NR
International Edition
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Annals of Ulster, Otherwise, Annala Senait, Annals of Senat; A Chronicle of Irish Affairs A. D. 431-1131, 1155-1541, Vol. 3: A. D. 1379-1541 (Classic Reprint)NR
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Annals of Ulster, Otherwise, Annala Senait, Annals of Senat; A Chronicle of Irish Affairs A. D. 431-1131, 1155-1541, Vol. 3: A. D. 1379-1541 (Classic Reprint)NR
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Annals of Ulster, Otherwise, Annala Senait, Annals of Senat; A Chronicle of Irish Affairs A. D. 431-1131, 1155-1541, Vol. 2: A. D. 1057-1131, 1155-1378 (Classic Reprint)NR
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