Barry L Sherman

Barry L ShermanBarry L. Sherman is Lambdin Kay Professor and Director of the George Foster Peabody Awards at the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Georgia. Chairman of the Department and Associate Director of the Peabody Awards from 986 to 1991, he was founding Director of the Dowden Center for Telecommunication Studies. In 1995, he was named Frank Stanton Fellow by the International Radio & Television Society in recognition of "outstanding contributions to electronic media education." He has also been a Fellow at the National Cable Television Center and Museum in Denver and the Freedom Forum Media Studies Center in New York.A graduate of Queens College, the City University of Anew York (B.A.., 1974; M.A., 1975), and Penn State (Ph.D., 1979) Dr. Sherman teaches and conducts research in the areas of broadcast and cable management and audience behavior. His research and consulting clients have included CapCities/ABC, The Canadian Broadcasting Company, the National Association of broadcasters, Paragon, among others. He writings have appeared in a variety of professional and trade publications, including Journal of Communication, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Communication Education, Journalism Quarterly, and Channels. Read More Read Less

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Broadcasting, Cable, the Internet and Beyond17 %
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