Barrie RiceBarrie 'Baz' Rice served in the New Zealand Special Air Service (1NZSAS) or 'theUnit'. During that time he was an amphibious and counter-terrorist group commander, demolitions, hand to hand (CBC) and tracking instructor. He left the SA in1995 and has since worked as a private security contractor, sole operator bodyguard, close protection instructor and team leader (C1) for international security companiessuch as Blackwater USA or with military units and law enforcement agencies. Bazhas worked all over the world, including in Hong Kong, Brunei, Europe, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Azerbaijan, Mexico, Colombia, Africa and LatinAmerica. As well as his security services and training, Baz has provided militaryconsultancy and weapons training for Oscar-winning movies such as the Lordof the Rings trilogy, The Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty, Coriolanusand White House Down and for a host of TV shows.
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