Barbara J Gilman

Barbara J GilmanBarbara J. Gilman, M.S., is Associate Director of the Gifted Development Center in Denver, where she has worked since 1991. She holds degrees in Child Development and Psychology and has extensive experience assessing gifted children and making educatonal recommendations for them. She specializes in highly gifted children and gifted children with learning disabilities, ADHD, and underachievement issues. A mother of highly gifted sons, she is a veteran of gifted committees, helped create an accelerated charter middle school, and is a popular speaker for parents and teachers on advocacy and classroom accommodations for the gifted. Gilman devotes much of her time to school advocacy consultation, helping parents worldwide to document the unique instructional needs of their gifted child, find curricular options that meet the student's needs, and negotiate with school personnel for programming accommodations. As a member of the National Association for Gifted Children's Task Force on IQ Test Interpretation, Gilman has been writing and speaking extensively on the appropriate use and scoring of current major IQ tests with gifted children, as well as working with test companies to create tests capable of assessing our most highly gifted children. She penned the NAGC position statement Use of the WISC-IV for Gifted Identification. Read More Read Less

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