Barbara G Gaddy

Barbara G GaddyBarbara Grillot Gaddy is a native of Crystal Springs, Mississippi. She holds a Master of Education degree from Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi, and held teaching certifications in both business and computer education. She started the kinderarten program at First Baptist Church, Crystal Springs, where she directed the program and taught 2-year-old preschoolers. She wrote curriculum for the Southern Baptist Convention, with a focus on guidance for teachers of five-year-old children. Barbara taught business and computer classes at high school and community college levels. She was recruited to begin the computer education program at Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, Mississippi, and taught computer applications classes, network administration classes, and mainframe operations classes for Ingalls employees from the president of the company to the shop floor workers. During this time Barbara authored two instruction manuals for Microsoft Access Database Management, developing case studies and teaching instructions for college level instructors. She continued her career at Ingalls for twenty years, serving in positions of Information Technology Program Manager and Manager of Information Technology Communications. She currently is a substitute teacher for a local school and volunteers her time reviewing and ranking applications for the Vietnam Helicopter Pilot Association (VHPA) / Army Aviation Association of America (AAAA) scholarships. Barbara and her husband Bruce, a Vietnam veteran, enjoy life on their 172-acre farm in Crystal Springs, where they fish, tend a fruit tree garden, ride four wheelers, and just enjoy life together. Barbara has three children and four grandchildren. Read More Read Less

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