Avirup Basu

Avirup BasuAvirup Basu is an independent developer based in Siliguri, West Bengal, India. His main areas of interest include IoT, robotics, and artificial intelligence. He holds a BTech degree in electronics and communication engineering from Siliguri Instituteof Technology. He has been actively involved in projects involving robotics and IoT since his college days. He was a Microsoft student partner for four years from 2012-2016. In 2016, he was selected as an Intel Software Innovator. He has three research paper publications on computer vision and robotics, of which one is of IEEE on autonomous navigation and 2D mapping using SONAR. He holds seminars and workshops and has been training students and professionals in multiple areas, but mainly in IoT and robotics.He has recently started uploading YouTube videos, where he focusses on topics related to IoT, robotics, application development, AI, and other fields of interest. He can be contacted by e-mail at avirup.basu@live.com.I would like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents and my friends--without their constant support and motivation this would not have been possible. I would also like to thank my faculties at Siliguri Institute of Technology and colleagues at Altimetrik, whose motivation helped me a lot with this book.Thanks to the Packt team, mainly Kinjal Bari, Prachi Bisht, Mamata Walker, and Sayali Thanekar, who have guided me through this book and helped me to be right on schedule, as well as the others attached to this book, and thanks to my technical reviewer, Abhishek Nandy, without whom this would not have been possible. Read More Read Less

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