Austin M Carroll

Austin M CarrollAUSTIN CARROLL, MBA, is a writer from Vero Beach, Florida. She grew up visiting Walt Disney World with her younger sister. At 21 years old, she became a Disneyland Cast Member and quickly worked her way up from the teacups to Guest Relations. Today, he shares the history of theme parks worldwide on her podcast, FastPass to the Past: The Theme Park History Podcast. She has been named a 'Theme Park Expert' by USA Today. Austin is fascinated by the intersection of popular culture and business and holds an MBA from Duke University's Fuqua School of Business. She received her bachelor's degree from Chapman University (less than 4 miles from Disneyland!), where her studies focused on California and film history. She now lives in Alexandria, Virginia, with her husband and two feisty cats. Fastpass to the Past is Austin's first children's book. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Austin Carroll
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01 Dec 2021
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