Auntie Boppy

Auntie BoppyBoppy is the name coined by Becky's niece and it stuck. While Boppy loved being an Auntie, her own journey to have a baby had several ups and downs. What helped her get to the other side was the knowledge that there was a support system all with the ame goal - to successfully have a baby. Outside of her family and their surrogate, the team included an agency case manager, several doctors, nurses, embryologists, national & local attorneys, therapists, hospital social workers, an embryo moving company, an employer infertility benefits coordinator, to name a few. In the end, Boppy lost count of how many people were involved in the baby's journey, but it helped enforce the message that this baby was so wanted, a galaxy of specialists came together to make it happen. She now lives in Arizona and has loved every second with her little one. Read More Read Less

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