Audley Mervyn

Audley Mervyn

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An Exact Relation of All Such Occurrences as Have Hapned in the Severall Covnties of Donegall, London-Derry, Tyrone, and Fermanagh in the North of Ireland Since the Beginning of This Horrid, Bloody, and Unparaleld Rebellion There (1642)7 % NR
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The Speech of Sir Audley Mervyn Knight, His Majesties Prime Serjeant at Law, and Speaker of the House of Commons in Ireland Delivered to His Grace James Duke of Ormond (1663)25 % NR
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The Speech of Sir Audley Mervyn Knight, His Majesties Prime Serjeant at Law, and Speaker of the House of Commons in Ireland Delivered to His Grace James Duke of Ormond (1668)25 % NR
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The Speech of Sir Audley Mervyn, Knight, His Majesties Prime Serjeant at Law, and Speaker of the House of Commons in Ireland Delivered to His Grace James Duke of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the 13 Day of February, 1662 (1662)25 % NR
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