Ashok K Sachdeva

Ashok K SachdevaWhen I was 23 years of age, started doing meditation in the presence of many different enlightened Gurus at different places in India but at the age of 30 came in contact with Shri Goenka ji and started doing Vipasana meditation regularly. Later on, ame in contact with Swami Madhavacharya ji Maharaj, then with Swami Parmanand ji Maharaj but it was only the divine presence of Swami Ram ji Maharaj of Uttarkashi, which changed my life and I started reading and understanding the deep meanings of Bhagvad Geeta and got enlightened. Then started taking classes on Yog, meditation; health nutrition and nature cure. Since 1977 I am teaching and giving lectures, about Bhagvad Geeta and Yog became the life. Read More Read Less

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AIIMS Protocols in Neonatology Core Protocols 3ed, 2 Vol Set. - 202430 %
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AIIMS Protocols in Neonatology Additional Protocols , 3/ed 202429 %
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Neonatal Equipment 6Ed.31 %
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