Ashley Kruger

Ashley KrugerAshley Kruger is currently an elementary school counselor with extensive experience in designing, implementing, and evaluating comprehensive programs that demonstrate improvement in students' academic and behavioral outcomes. Ashley as worked under two federally funded Elementary and Secondary School Counseling (ESSC) grants and has used data as a means of creating sustainability for the school counseling programs. In April 2016, Ashley and her elementary counseling team won the H.B. McDaniel award, which recognized their program for providing leadership and excellence in the field of school counseling. As a leader in the school counseling field, Ashley has trained school counselors nationwide about best practices in creating ASCA-aligned programs. She frequently presents at national and state conferences about how to use data to drive Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions. She is also the co-developer and facilitator of the Hatching Results online courses. Ashley is currently Executive Vice-President for the California Association of School Counselors (CASC) and has served as an adjunct faculty member at San Diego State University (SDSU) in the school counseling graduate program for the past five years. Ashley is passionate about using data to design and improve comprehensive school counseling programs as a means of effectively serving students. Read More Read Less

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Hatching Tier Two and Three Interventions in Your Elementary School Counseling Program1 % NR
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