Asher Elkayam

Asher ElkayamHaving thoroughly studied the Bible in its entirety and trying to understand between the lines, Mr. Elkayam went through every Hebrew word in the Tanakh while trying to figure out what was the motivation of biblical figures and how and why they actedthe way they did. The stories and the facts were fascinating enough to warrant an intensive research and come out with this special project. Asher Elkayam, a Bible fan and scholar spent his youth and early adulthood studying the Bible, wondering how things happened in biblical times. His studies took place in numerous countries around the world, thus looking at the Bible from different angles. Asher Elkayam is fluent in French, Hebrew, and English. He is proficient in Spanish and Arabic. Mr. Elkayam studied the Bible since he was seven years old while being tutored by rabbis and other religious scholars. After moving to Israel, Asher Elkayam fostered his burgeoning curiosity about religion at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, pursuing, among several subjects and languages, Hebrew Morphology, the study of word formations and sounds. As a student in Israel, Asher Elkayam also expanded his knowledge of political science and the humanities. Asher Elkayam studied French Literature at the prestigious Sorbonne in Paris, and afterward, concluded his undergraduate coursework at the University of Strasbourg in France, graduating with a Bachelors degree in International Relations and Political Science. In Maryland he obtained a Masters degree in Secondary education. Asher Elkayam is also the author of eight books. To learn more, visit:,, and Read More Read Less

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