Arup Nanda

Arup NandaArup Nanda, Oracle ACE Director (New York, United States), has been working with Oracle database and PL/SQL for 20 years and counting. He has written 6 books, published 500+ articles, presented 300+ sessions, and delivered training seminars in 22 coutries.Brendan Tierney, Oracle ACE Director (Dublin, Ireland), has been working with the Oracle Database and development tools since 1992. He is principal consultant with Oralytics. He is the author of 2 books by Oracle Press, Predictive Analytics using Oracle Data Miner and Oracle R Enterprise: Harnessing the Power of R in the Oracle Database. Heli Helskyaho, Oracle ACE Director (Helsinki, Finland), has been working in IT since 1990 and Oracle products since 1993. She is the spokesperson/ambassador of the EMEA Oracle User Group and a frequent speaker in many conferences. She is the author of Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler for Database Design Mastery (Oracle Press 2015) and one of the first winners of Oracle Database Developer Choice Award in Database Design category in 2015.Alex Nuijten, Oracle ACE Director (Oosterhout, Netherlands), is a consultant at Ordina Oracle Solutions. He is a frequent contributor to Oracle-related publications and is co-author of Oracle APEX Best Practices.
Martin Widlake, Oracle ACE Director (London, United Kingdom), is an independent Oracle consultant who specializes in database performance, PL/SQL development, and VLDBs. He has been working with Oracle technologies for 23 years and counting
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