Arthur Selent

Arthur SelentI grew up in farming areas up to my late teens. When I was about six our family had some trouble getting along and mother and dad split up. I was brought to grandparents on Dad's side.They placed me in the storage room where they kept preserves and teir wine. It was quite cool but they gave me extra blankets. One day I saw one of the wine bottles was uncorked and a little wine still left in the bottle. I tasted it. Then one by one the wine bottles became empty. I hid the empties best I could but one day coming home from school I noticed all the wine had been taken away, so there I was six years old depraved of my new hobby of drinking.So my strange life education kept walking. I ended in big city pent house apartments working factories and stock markets. One day everything went wrong and I was homeless.There followed seventeen years of hitch hiking and sleeping outside. I got money by working tourist places that provided a free bed with the job. Also dis seasonal orchard work. A last social welfare. In seventeen years, I saw all of north America from the sides of roads.I did three years of bicycle travel in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada. To pay for food I collected aluminum drink cans and traded for money at recycle places. My expenses were small but then also was my income.Then I started living in vans. I somehow got started doing artwork and making these into post cards which I would trade for spare change or sell for small money. A lot of walking in the big cities for person to person sales. The artwork in my books are a selection of these postcards.One day I got a steady job and shut the artwork down. The spirit seemed to have wandered away. So I spent the next decade plus working one steady boring job after another, working with frustrated people.The writing of the books started in a sort of sneaky way, I had started a social media account and was looking for something to post. I had a small data plan so videos and pictures used too much data, so I started writing this and that. From the overflow of social Media posts started my book writing new job.Arthur SelentJune 23-2023 Read More Read Less

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