Arpan Modi

Arpan ModiDr. Arpan Modi is currently working as a visiting scientist at Agriculture Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. Dr. Modi has completed his doctoral degree in Plant Biotechnology from Anand Agricultural University, Gujarat, Inia. Since 2009, with more than 11 years of vast research experience, he has developed skills for various operations and troubleshooting in plant tissue culture. His research interest focuses mainly on the use of an interdisciplinary approach for the betterment of the plant life cycle. He has been through the area of plant biochemistry, plant biotechnology, plant molecular biology and nanotechnology. Currently, he has involved in the development of the protocol for the micropropagation of Ficus microcarpa and genome editing in the same for quality improvement. Dr. Modi has 13 research articles and book chapters in journals of national and international repute to his credit. He is a lifetime member of the Society for Sugar Research and Promotion, Uttar Pradesh, India. He has also actively participated in many national and international conferences, symposia and workshops related to his research field in India and abroad. Read More Read Less

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Advances in Plant Tissue Culture20 % NR
Publisher: Elsevier Science
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01 Mar 2022
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