Aron Lee

Aron LeeAron Lee is currently working as a researcher and course lecturer at McGill University. He just completed his PhD in their Department of Integrated Studies in Education. Lee's research investigates how to support the development of students' criticaldigital literacy practices. Previously, Lee worked as a high school teacher and plans to return to the classroom following his doctoral work. Lee is also a poet, musician, and community organizer. He grew up in Amiskwacîwâskahikan (Edmonton) and now lives in Tio'tia: ke (Montreal).Lee spent the year 2020 offline and used the experience to explore how the internet impacts people's everyday lives and the world. He journaled throughout his time offline and mailed out several thousand letters to his friends, family, and colleagues. The year 2020 was a transformative one for most people's digital lives, but Lee had the unique standpoint of an outsider --- a spectator, peering in and taking notes. As a grad student, researching the ways students' online lives relate to social and environmental justice, Lee was able to describe his experience in ways that connected to global issues and to the changes that have accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More Read Less

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