Arnold F Moene

Arnold F MoeneArnold F. Moene studied at Wageningen University where he obtained MSc degrees in International Land and Water Management as well as Soil, Water and Atmosphere. Then he went to the Fluid Dynamics Group at Eindhoven University of Technology to obtain is PhD. Currently he works as an assistant professor in the Meteorology and Air Quality Group of Wageningen University. The overarching theme of his research is atmospheric turbulence in relation to the Earth's surface. This encompasses measurement techniques like scintillometry. Furthermore, he works on turbulence in the stable boundary-layer (collapse of turbulence) and in the convective boundary layer (impact of surface heterogeneity and entrainment on scalar transport). Finally, he is interested in the practical applications of turbulent transport like the estimation of the surface evapotranspiration from remote sensing data and land-surface models. Arnold F. Moene teaches a number of BSc and MSc courses related to atmosphere-vegetation-soil interactions (theory and observations) and fluid mechanics. Furthermore he chairs the programme committee of the BSc Soil Water and Atmosphere and the MSc Earth and Environment. Since 2010 he has been a member of the editorial board of Boundary-Layer Meteorology. He has (co-)authored over 35 peer-reviewed scientific publications. Read More Read Less

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Transport in the Atmosphere-Vegetation-Soil Continuum5 %
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31 Jan 2014
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Atmosphere-Vegetation-Soil InteractionsNR
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