Arnaud Vena

Arnaud VenaArnaud Vena is a lecturer at the University of Montpellier. Following industrial experience of more than 4 years between 2005-2009 at ACS Solution France, in the design of RFID readers in HF band, Arnaud Vena completed a thesisat the laboratory-INP Genoble LCIS in Valencia to study RFID without chip. Between 2012-2013, he made a postdoctoral stay at TUT University in Finland, where he continued his research in the field of RFID sensors made by inkjet printing. In 2013, he joined the IES lab at the University of Montpellier, to reinforce the theme "RFID sensor". The same year, he won the thesis prize from the University of Grenoble for his contribution on chipless RFID technologies. In 2014, Arnaud Vena was elected "Early Career Representative" of the commission D "Electronics and Photonics" of the International Scientific Radio Union (URSI). Vena Arnaud is author of over 50 scientific papers and 3 patents. Read More Read Less

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Non-Volatile Cbram/MIM Switching Technology for Electronically Reconfigurable Passive Microwave Devices30 % NR
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