Arlene M Karole

Arlene M KaroleArlene Karole is a certified healthcare professional (CHCP), lifelong learner, journaler, and educator. She is also the director of the Office of Academic Engagement, Education, and Communications in the Department of Cardiology at Northwell Halth. Arlene serves as an adjunct assistant professor at St. John's University in New York City. Based on her personal experience, her book is dedicated to helping others become self-aware and empowered by taking charge of a breast cancer diagnosis. She is active with the SHARE national breast cancer organization, a member of the National Consortium of Breast Centers (NCBC) and on the National Consortium of Breast Centers Conference Survivorship Planning Subcommittee (NCoBC). Arlene has extensive experience working with large health systems and national non- profits. Her passion to assist others, along with her enthusiasm and commitment to excellence, makes her a sought-after influencer. Arlene has a master's degree in health services administration from Central Michigan University. Read More Read Less

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