Arlen R Gullickson

Arlen R GullicksonArlen R. Gullickson, Ph.D., is professor emeritus at Western Michigan University. He served as The Evaluation Center director from 2002 to 2007 and as its Chief of Staff of from 1991-2002. Dr. Gullickson chaired the Joint Committee on Standards for Eucational Evaluation from 1998 to 2008 during which time the Committee developed The Student Evaluation Standards (2002), revised The Personnel Evaluation Standards, Second Edition (2007), and was engaged in revising The Program Evaluation Standards, Second Edition (1994) for the 3rd edition published in 2010. He has worked extensively in education as a secondary math and science teacher, professor of educational research and evaluation, and in the conduct of federally funded research and evaluation projects. In 2011 he stepped down from directing an NSF funded Advanced Technological Education evaluation resource center (EvaluATE) to become its co-director. He has received several major service awards including: the Western Michigan University's Distinguished Service Award (2002), the American Evaluation Association's Alva and Gunnar Myrdal Evaluation Practice (2007), and the Consortium for Research on Educational Accountability and Teacher Evaluation's Jason Millman Scholar award (2oo8). Although his primary work emphasis for the past 20 years has focused on program evaluation, he maintains a strong interest in classroom evaluation practices. He has authored numerous journal articles, book chapters and book materials. With Peter Airasian he authored the Teacher Self-Evaluation Tool Kit (1997) which presaged many of the ideas presented in this book. Read More Read Less

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