Arijit Mondal

Arijit MondalDr Arijit Mondal has received his PhD in Pharmacy from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, in the year 2012. He has completed his Postdoctoral research training from CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata, India. His major areas of reseach interest include cancer therapeutics, drug development and characterization and mechanism of action of optimized drug delivery systems. Till date he has authored more than 37 publications in various high impact peer-reviewed journals, and 2 book chapters to his credit. He is also serving as an Editorial Board member of several reputed journals in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Dr Mondal has also participated and presented his research work in different national and international conferences in India, USA, and Thailand, and received grants from different agencies like CSIR, ICMR, DST to present his research work in conferences. Read More Read Less

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