Ariana Perales

Ariana PeralesAriana Perales was born on April 17, 2011. She is a sixth grade elementary student. She has a passion for climbing. She learned how to climb before she could even crawl. She is now always actively climbing in different places and playgrounds. Ariana as speech delayed due to otitis media with effusion (OME), also known as glue ears. At the age of 2 she did not speak or even make sounds. She had a myringotomy procedure (ear tube surgery) and received early step speech therapy. She now speaks two languages, English, and Spanish, and enjoys writing, making animations and acting out her own made up creative stories.This book was translated to Spanish by the author's mom, Fabiola Araujo Cespedes, electrical engineer, Ph.D. and by the author's grandfather, Hugo Araujo Nogales, petroleum engineer, Ph.D.Bilingualism has been found to have beneficial effects in attention, working memory, and cognitive control. Moreover, being bilingual expands the study, work and travel area, while also expanding the social and cultural circle. Among other many benefits, learning a second language helps you learn better your own native language. Read More Read Less

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Blobby on Earth Blobby en la Tierra39 % NR
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16 Jan 2023
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