Araceli Esparza

Araceli EsparzaAraceli Esparza is an award-winning Chicana Poeta. Araceli's work has been published in several anthologies and journals, and you can hear her poetry in the Wisconsin Life archives. Pushcart Nominee twice! She is an MFA graduate from Hamline Universiy. Araceli was born and raised in Madison, WI; her parents were migrant farmworkers from Guanajuato, Mexico, from whom she still gathers her strength. She recently co-edited a poetry anthology with Flying Ketchup Press, The Very Edge Poems, that can be bought at local bookstores and Amazon. Follow her on Instagram @araceliesparza_speaker for more writing classes and events! Currently, Araceli is planting seeds as a social justice speaker and founder of a Latina mentoring program (Midwest Mujeres) that mentors women on communication skills and provides a space for their stories. Read More Read Less

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