Aonghas MacleòidRugadh is thogadh Aonghas MacLeòid ann an Còbh Anndra Ceap Breatainn, far a bheil e fhathast a' fuireach. Thàinig a mhuinntir á Leòdhas agus ás na Hearadh. Tha e air a bhith ann an grunn de dh' fhiolmaichean Gàidhlig, Faire Chaluim Mhic Leòid 'nam mesg. Tha e 'g obair a nis le Explore Gaelic a' teagasg na Gàidhlig air loidhne. Còrdaidh e ris a bhith ri ghàirneilearachd 's ri obair mu 'n cuairt air a' bhaile fearainn a bh' aig a phàrantan 's tha e ro mheasail air òrain Gàidhlig.Angus MacLeod was born and raised in Goose Cove, Cape Breton where he still lives. His ancestors came from Lewis and Harris. He has appeared in several Gaelic films including Faire Chaluim Mhic Leòid. He works now for Explore Gaelic, teaching Gaelic online. He enjoys gardening and working around the farm that he grew up on and has a great appreciation of Gaelic songs. Read More Read Less
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