Anup Kumar Kolya

Anup Kumar KolyaDr. Anup Kumar Kolya, received his Ph.D. (Engg) from Jadavpur University, India in 2015. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the RCC Institute of Information Technology, Kolkata, India. He served as post graduate Program coordinator in the compter science and engineering department from 4/4/2018 to 5/1/2020. Prior to this, he was a senior research engineer at Jadavpur University, from 2/1/2009 to 1/5/2014. Before that, he served as a lecturer of computer science and engineering department of Mallabhum Institute of Technology Bishnupur, India from 2005-2006.
He is co-editor of one book. Moreover, has more than 40 research publications in international journals, conference proceedings and edited volumes to his credit. He has been a program committee member, organizing committee member, publication chair, and reviewer of various international journals, book chapters, and conferences. His research interests include natural language processing, social media data analysis, Internet of things and text image data analysis.
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