Antonio Scaglia"Antonio Scaglia (Storo, TN, Italy). Education: Bachelor, Licentia PhD Sc. Soc., Thomas Aq. Universitas, Rome (1967). Univ Dipolom in Political Science, University of Padua (1972). Spec Certificate: Methods and Technics for Social Research, New York ity University (1973). Full Professor of Sociology, Trento University (1994) at Faculty of Economics and Sociology. Some publication: Sacro e legittimazione del potere (1972); Community and Development strategy (1978); Sociologia italiana del primo Novecento. The conflict between sociology and dictatorship (ital.) (1994); Max Weber's ideal type of illegitimate rule (2001); Democracy and Empire (2018); Digital sociology. Critical Introduction (ital.) (2019)." Read More Read Less
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