Anthony Espo

Anthony EspoAnthony Espo, was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. He is married to high school sweetheart Joanne, and they have a son named Anthony. Anthony was a very active child playing baseball, basketball, football, racing bicycles at 10 years old, studying matial arts at the age of 11, and exercising on a daily basis. He started off working at the age of 10 years old delivering newspapers. He wanted to make extra money so he starting cutting his friend's hair in his parents basement. He would work at his Mother's bicycle store after school, Bay Ridge Bikes, which he later took the business over at the age of 24. Anthony was raised in the bicycle world, where he still continues to successfully sell and promote in the industry. His mother passed away of cancer in 2009. This helped motivate and increase his drive and desire in the health and fitness industry to where it is today. This inspired him to continue in the health and fitness world and eventually open up a gym called, Bad Ass Academy in 2013. He is not only the co founder, but a trainer/instructor as well. He believes great leaders do not just tell you what to do but show you how to do it-together. What sets Anthony apart from others is his true passion and his ability to really reach his members and people he meets on a daily basis. As he reaps the many benefits of health and fitness, he wanted to pass on his knowledge to others so they could do the same. One of his many goals is to get people healthier and feeling better about themselves through fitness. Anthony participates in numerous fitness events and competitions. He is heavily active with many foundations, school charities, and fundraisers. There are many within his community that he also attends and hosts throughout the year. Anthony has, and continues to do guest speaking, seminars, lectures, and workshops all focused on motivation, inspiration, health, fitness, nutrition, and self defense. Anthony has been featured and interviewed on many different networks such as NBC Sports, MSG Network, YES Network, Industry Magazine, PIX11, Channel 12, and BRIC Media where he speaks about fitness and how essential it is to stay active and strive towards a healthier lifestyle. Anthony is the author of WAHOOS iN Life. WAHOOS stands for We All Have Our Own Shit iN Life. WAHOOS iN Life is a book about self help and motivation. He felt the need to reach more people in a different way other than health and fitness. Anthony always says If I can get people to exercise, get them healthier, and feeling better about themselves, then I have done my job. The true reward for him is the progression he sees in people physically, mentally, and emotionally. The thanks he gets from people and the lives he continues to change through means of fitness is all just a bonus to him. Read More Read Less

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