Anne McComiskey

Anne McComiskeyAnne V. McComiskey is a Teacher of the Visually Impaired who has been working in the field of visual impairments for over 47 years. She has founded three programs for families of very young children who are blind/visually impaired, including the BEGI program in Atlanta, Georgia. Anne received her Master's degree in education specializing in visual impairment from Boston College and Perkins School for the Blind, where she taught 5th and 6th grades. She has extensive experience evaluating and working with children with multiple disabilities, including cortical visual impairment. Family support and education is an integral part of her work. Anne designed the Braille Readiness Skills Grid published by the Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness in 1996 and included in Foundations of Education, volume 2, by Alan J. Koenig and M. Cay Holbrook. Anne lives in the Atlanta area with her husband, Frank. She has two children and two adorable grandchildren. Read More Read Less

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