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Anne Cathrine Staff

Anne Cathrine StaffAnne Cathrine (Annetine) Staff, MD, PhD, is a full-time Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaceology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway. She is also Head of Research at the Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Oslo University Hosptal, Norway. She obtained her Medical Degree in 1987 at The University of Oslo, where she also did her PhD in 2000 on "Preeclampsia and uteroplacental tissues: lipids, oxidative stress, and trophoblast invasion". She is a board certified specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics since 1996, and have worked clinically in the field since 1989. Dr. Staff is head of a research group in Oslo, where one main research area is within molecular understanding of pregnancy complications associated with placental dysfunction, including preeclampsia, and its relation to future maternal cardiovascular health.

Dr. Staff was previously the EPG (European Placenta Group) Spokesperson 2011-17 and the Vice-President of the ISSHP (International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy) 2012-16, and is currently an ISSHP Executive Committee member and part of the Global Pregnancy Collaboration team. Read More Read Less

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Chesley's Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy
Publisher: Elsevier Science
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01 Aug 2021
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