Annamaria Falbo

Annamaria FalboAnnamaria Falbo is an Italian teacher with a passion for writing. She was born in Italy and moved to Canada in 2015 after earning her master's degree in Modern Philology. She moved to Canada in search of new experiences, and it was here that she discvered she had a passion for writing. Annamaria has always had an interest in writing and literature. She received her bachelor's degree in modern literature. According to Annamaria, writing is therapy; every single page you write is an act of creation that can bring peace to oneself. At times writing can provide a temporary moment in which one feels elevated, similar to deep meditation, so much so that sometimes you aren't fully aware of what your hands are producing. In 2020, Annamaria published her first book Gli Opposti. Read More Read Less

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Voglio andare sulla luna- I want to go to the moon8 % NR
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