Annabel Iris Arco

Annabel Iris ArcoThe author Annabel Iris Arco was born in Northern Ireland, and at the age of 10 months lost her mother to cancer. She struggled with this grief albeit silently and endured physical and emotional abuse. She showed great determination to gain the qualiications to become a secondary school teacher and was a very successful practitioner gaining 'outstanding' results and observations from Ofsted. Sadly, she became unwell with fibroids and subsequently lost her womb. This, coupled with the responsibility of caring for her sister during the school holidays took its toll. She decided to quit teaching and write a book that exposes the lack of social care and emotional support shown towards children and adults. The book is her voice, albeit a whisper, which she hopes will touch the lives of others and see government changes for the rights of both children and the disabled community in the UK. The author is currently working for a non-profit charity and helping children to overcome ACES (adverse childhood experiences) and redirect their lives away from crime and anti-social behaviour. She hopes the book can raise the capital to work with both the disabled and vulnerable children in a meaningful way. Her dream would allow her to set up an independent non-profit charity which is not constrained by government red tape, but rather has the ability to tend to the needs of the most hurting without justifying the criteria for intervention. Read More Read Less

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Little one's Whisper13 % NR
Publisher: The Choir Press
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10 Jan 2022
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