Anna Lidia Vega Serova

Anna Lidia Vega SerovaBorn in the former Soviet Union, to a Russian/Ukrainian mother and Cuban father, Anna Lidia settled definitively in Havana, Cuba in 1989. Originally a visual artist, it was her writing that brought her to international prominence, starting with her wnning the Premio David in 1997 for her first collection of short stories, Bad Painting. Since then, she has become a recognised figure in the Cuban literary scene, with eight short-story collections and two novels (Noche de Ronda and Anima Fatua) to her name, participating in literary events throughout Europe and the Americas. She has also previously published two books of poetry: Retazos (de las hormigas) para los malos tiempos and Eslabones de un tiempo muerto. Through both her words and her painting, her work is noteworthy for its very personal reflection of daily life, grindingly yet magically real, as experienced in present-day Cuba. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Amaurea Press
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21 Jul 2021
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