Anna Grichting

Anna GrichtingAnna Grichting is a Swiss architect, urbanist, and musician and graduated with a Doctor of Design in Urbanism from Harvard University. She is passionate about designing with, and not against, Nature and Mother Earth and going beyond our Anthropocentrc view of the world to include all living organisms in a balanced development. She was recently teaching at Qatar University, mainly to female students, whom she was committed to empowering and inspiring to become future leaders in the fields of sustainable and holistic architecture and urban design. She is working on research on a Living Laboratory at Qatar University to co-design the campus for the Food Water Energy Nexus, a grant I received from the Belmont Forum. She is interested in multidisciplinary research and projects that bring together the arts, the sciences and engineering and my research focuses on Regenerative Urban systems, Food Urbanism and Urban Biodiversity in Drylands, Blue Urbanism and Water Sensitive Urban Design, Ecological Planning in Conflict Landscapes, Urban Legacies of Mega Events, Public Art and Public Space. Her projects and research have taken her beyond Europe to Iran, Cyprus, Korea, Japan, Australia, the Balkans, Turkey and the USA. Her professional experience includes working for the Mayors office in Geneva and the Aga Khan Trust for Culture. She have produced and performed with the musical projects Desert Bridges in Qatar, Sufi Moon in Pakistan, and Bordermeetings in Switzerland and have just recently created the Anna Jazz and Roses Trio in Geneva. Read More Read Less

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How a Willow Tree Changed Russia34 % NR
Publisher: Actar D
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31 Dec 2021
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