Ann Foweraker

Ann FowerakerAbout the Author - Ann Foweraker I am poet, teacher, mother, author ... and each incarnation has had an ascendancy in my life - now is the time of the author. I have to write poetry, it makes me, and stories weave themselves in my head even when I'm ot writing, but from the moment I went to school I knew I wanted to teach - becoming a teacher when it was more of a vocation than an occupation - gaining my BEd degree in the seventies. Marriage took me from Berkshire, where I was born, to live in glorious Cornwall where the novel writing blossomed, while taking an extended break from formal teaching to bring up our four boys, but only came to fruition as they left the nest. My books are all available from in all e-formats and are also available on Amazon for Kindle. The paperback books can be ordered from any bookshop, worldwide, using the ISBN number. Please follow my blog on where you'll get an insight into the things I'm into, from belly dancing to sandsculpture, health and nutrition, poetry and, of course, writing. Follow me on twitter at @AnnFoweraker for tweets on life, Cornwall and writing, and Like my Author page on Facebook 'Ann Foweraker' for more info and thoughts. Read More Read Less

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Respectable Life18 % NR
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14 Oct 2016
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Popular Movements and Political Change in Mexico28 % NR
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30 Nov 1990
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