Ann E Jeffers

Ann E JeffersAnn E. Jeffers, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. She has a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, and she has a Master of Sciece and Doctorate of Philosophy in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech. Her research focuses on computational methods of analysis, with applications primarily involving structure fires and wildfires. She was co-Editor-in-Chief of Fire Safety Journal from 2016-2018, and she has earned a number of awards for her research, teaching, and service over the years. Following her diagnosis with bipolar disorder, Ann became a mental health advocate and a champion for disability rights. She has written a few pieces on mental health for The Mighty and Open Minds Quarterly. Ann lives in Michigan with her wife and three kids, two of whom were adopted from the foster care system following the events in this book. Read More Read Less

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